Well, I hope it was worth it, Rudy. You sold out completely, offering up every last bit of your integrity for the chance to push election conspiracy theories in court on behalf of a man who won’t even bother to look in your direction now that you’ve professionally disgraced yourself on his behalf.

No matter how this election goes, there’s sure to be more lawsuits filed by Trump. Hell, he filed several after the election that put him in office back in 2016. If he loses again, he’ll need another army of shameless lawyers to do his bidding in what will ultimately be failed attempts to reclaim the presidency.

Unfortunately, Rudy Giuliani — the self-proclaimed hero of 9/11 and self-titled “America’s Mayor” — you won’t be one of them. You may have done the ex-president’s dirty work but Trump only cares about wins, not about how much of his filth still clings to your body.

Rudy Giuliani, who already owes at least $148 million to Georgia election workers he defamed, and who can no longer hide behind belated bankruptcy filings to avoid this judgment, is now unable to perform his lawerly duties in the district where Donald Trump might need the most help if he (deservedly) loses the upcoming election.

What was once a temporary suspension of his DC law license is now permanent. And that has been affirmed by the DC Circuit Appeals Court in a one-page ruling [PDF] that says plenty without hardly saying anything at all.

The upshot of this ruling is that Giuliani is no longer welcome to practice law in the DC area, compounding his previous disbarment in his home state, New York. Here’s Josh Gerstein with more details for Politico.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani had his law license permanently revoked in the nation’s capital, following similar action by a New York court earlier this year over Giuliani’s role in former President Donald Trump’s attempt to undermine the results of the 2020 presidential election.

In a one-page order Thursday, the D.C. Court of Appeals did not directly address a bar committee’s recommendation in May that Giuliani be disbarred for pressing a legal challenge to the election results in Pennsylvania without factual support for the claims.

Instead, a three-judge panel of the D.C. court found that Giuliani failed to respond to an order requiring him to explain why he shouldn’t face “reciprocal” disbarment after a New York appeals court’s decision to strip him of his law license in that state. 

You’re now officially useless, Rudy. Trump can’t use you even if he wanted to. And, as far as I can tell, he considers you to be just a failure — another in a long line of lawyers discarded because they couldn’t do the impossible, or refused to keep trying to do the impossible because self-proclaimed Best Business Guy Ever Donald Trump decided to stop paying them.

At least you won’t have to embarrass yourself for free, Rudy. Trump is no longer your boss. You’re no longer his subservient bootlicker. Or, at least, you could be if you’d recognize this judgment for what it is: an opportunity to walk away from an abusive employer. Without a law license, you can’t be asked to irritate courts with frivolous filings on behalf of the world’s sorest loser. Now, you can just recede quietly into the background noise of normal society, albeit with ~$148 million less left to spend on hair products, podcast tech, or Uber Black rides.

As much as it gives me pleasure to report this, there’s a unending supply of unserious people with law licenses willing to burden courts with outlandish election conspiracy theories for the sole purpose of electing the man who would be despot and/or trying to catch the most fleeting bit of recognition for their service to the cause. Rudy Giuliani just happens to be the flameout with the highest profile.

The garbage man with the largest cult of personality will always have someone willing to rush the litigation machine gun nests on his behalf. Until things finally settle down, the very least the rest of us can do is gloat over the corpses he leaves behind.

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